Solved. Using LLMs to Chat with your APIs

Jeff Schneider
27 May 2024
5 min read

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The fusion of conversational interfaces with corporate systems is not just a trend, but a strategic enhancement to the way we work. Large Language Models (LLMs), such as those powering advanced chat solutions, are at the forefront of this transformation. These AI-driven tools are increasingly being used to interact with Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), which act as gateways to corporate data and services. This integration is pivotal for mobile users who seek voice-activated access and for businesses aiming to automate tasks, ultimately reducing the time, workload, and costs involved.

The Emergence of AI-Driven Work Environments

Imagine a scenario where a financial analyst needs to fetch real-time stock market insights. Instead of navigating through complex databases or software, they simply ask an AI-powered chatbot for the information. The chatbot, understanding the request, retrieves the data through the company's API and presents it in a conversable format. This is just one example of how LLMs can serve as intermediaries between users and the vast reserves of corporate data.

Streamlining API Interaction with LLMs

To enable LLMs to effectively communicate with an API, they must be provided with an OpenAPI document—a blueprint of the available operations and parameters. However, challenges arise when these documents are either too vague or overwhelmingly detailed. An insufficiently documented API can leave the LLM groping in the dark, unable to perform its tasks accurately. Conversely, an API with an excess of operations can bog down the system, leading to inefficiencies and increased costs.

This is where a tool like Imprompt shines. It allows users to cherry-pick only the relevant operations pertinent to their specific use case. By trimming the fat off OpenAPI document, Imprompt ensures that the LLM's interactions are both swift and within the context window it can handle.

The ECW takes user & agent requests and populates the LLM’s context window with data retrieved from corporate applications. Users get grounded answers without worrying about underlying sources.
Overcoming Overlaps and Ambiguities

A common hurdle in the path of seamless API interaction is the presence of overlapping semantics within the operations. When multiple operations appear similar or serve all-purpose functions, it can confuse the LLM, leading to incorrect mappings. Imprompt's solution is elegantly simple—annotate the operations clearly to delineate them. This not only prevents confusion but also streamlines the process of function calling, where the LLM translates text into a specific API operation.

The Art of Signature Matching

Once an operation is selected, the next step is to create a calling signature for the API. This signature, essentially a string of text, is what the host program uses to execute the API call. However, the devil is in the details—or in this case, the parameters. Poorly documented parameters or those using obscure system keys can stymie the process. Imprompt's Helpers come to the rescue by annotating the purpose of OpenAPI fields, suggesting default values, and enabling the matching of system keys across APIs. This ensures that the signature creation is not just accurate but also user-friendly.

From API Call to Conversational Output

Even after a successful API call, the job isn't done. APIs typically return data in JSON format, which isn't the most palatable for chat or voice interfaces. Moreover, the returned data might be laden with superfluous information. Imprompt addresses this by transforming the JSON output into a more digestible format, be it text, voice, or visual display, while also filtering out the unnecessary bits.

The Quest for Speed and Accuracy

In the end, the effectiveness of an LLM-API integration is measured by its speed and accuracy. Imprompt doesn't just provide a one-time fix; it continuously monitors the performance of API calls, analyzing data to refine the LLM's responses, update prompts, or enhance the OpenAPI documentation. This commitment to continuous improvement ensures that the user experience remains both swift and precise.


The integration of LLMs with APIs represents a significant leap forward in how we interact with technology. By addressing the complexities of API communication and providing smart, adaptable solutions, platforms like Imprompt are paving the way for more intuitive, efficient, and human-like interactions with our digital systems. As this technology evolves, we can expect to see even more innovative applications that will further streamline our workflows and enhance our decision-making capabilities.

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